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President Student Advisory Council on Diversity


The purpose of the President's Student Advisory Council on Diversity (PSAC) is to give voice to a wide range of students, to promote an inclusive climate at the college and to help Agnes Scott better serve its diverse student body. The council provides advice and recommendations to the President and other college administrators on key issues related to campus diversity, equity and inclusion.

PSAC’s primary function is to engage in conversations with the president and college administrators. These conversations are informed by input from a broad range of students — not focused on individual and personal agendas.


Serving on PSAC prepares students to engage in and lead others in an increasingly multicultural and diverse global society.

Composition of the Council

  • One representative from each diversity-related student organization
  • One representative from the Student Government Association, appointed by SGA
  • Three at-large members
  • One graduate student

Nominations and Selection Process for At-Large Members

Students' voices are essential in continuing our efforts to advance a campus climate of inclusion at the college. We are asking students to nominate their peer(s) for consideration to serve on the council. In order to nominate your peer(s), please:

  • Include the nominee’s name, academic year, and any Agnes Scott affiliations (for example, student organizations or athletic team).
  • Include up to three paragraphs describing why this student can represent the voice of their peers and their explicit commitment to advancing inclusion on campus.
  • Speak with the nominee before submitting their name for consideration. This is optional but recommended.

Qualifications and Requirements

To qualify for membership on PSAC, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Strong interest and/or meaningful experience in working with issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and social identities (preferably demonstrated through an Agnes Scott student organization).
  • Demonstrated commitment to Agnes Scott's vision, mission and core values.
  • Must not be graduating before May of 2021.
  • Attend a monthly breakfast meeting with the president during the academic year. Regular attendance is essential in order to maintain continuity and cohesion in PSAC’s work.
  • Host at least one event each semester between the president and the student body in the interest of facilitating a dialogue concerning diversity and inclusion issues relevant to the Agnes Scott community.

Kai Robinson
Class of 2024
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Major
Student Government Association Senator for Gender and Sexual Orientation Diverse Students
COSMO Chairperson 

Nyla Dix
Class of 2024
Political Science and Africana Students Major
Student Government Association Senator for Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Students
COSMO Chairperson

Cindy Nguyen 

Maryrose Schwier

Olivia Joyner
Black Power Book Club

Promise Jones
International Student Association

J'Lynn Vellon
Latines Unides

Ty Kakkad
Masala S.A.C.E.

Yasmine Briscoe
Muslim Student Association

Komal Babar

Simone Harris

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